When the green flag is clicked, a cover screen should show, with background music and a "Next" button
When the "Next" button is clicked, an introduction screen should display "how-to play", with the "Next" button, background music continues.
When the "Next" button is clicked, all characters show on the stage. With a "little rectangular box with a koala dude (Mr. Buster Moon )in it which looks like a FaceTime icon" inviting the player to click the "Next" button to play a song clip, and guess who the singer is by clicking on the character.
When the "Next" button is clicked, the first clip plays. The player can click the character to guess or click on a "Hang up" button to stop the game.
If the player guesses correctly, a green check will show and the score increases. Otherwise, a red cross will show and the score decreases.
If the player finishes playing all the songs, a "Congrats" screen will show and display the score. If the player clicks "Hang up" before finishing all the songs, a plain black screen will show and display his/her score.
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Edited: Apr 14, 2022
Project Sing2 Week3: A Cover and The Introduction
Project Sing2 Week3: A Cover and The Introduction
1 comment
Comments (1)
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Agreed upon by EVE on Apr 13, 2022
V will draft the "how-to play" instructions;
EF will do the "Next" button and the "Hang up" button;
EM will do the green "Check" button, update the score and the music play