Is "ABC">"abc"?
A. Introduction No, all upper case letters are "less than" lower case letters. Among upper/lower case letters themselves, they are ordered alphabetically ascending. So, A<B<C<...<Z<a<b<c<...<z. But how to compare "!@#$" with "^*&>"?
B. How to compare strings:
C. HW:
1. Create three strings, then sort them alphabetically and print out.
2. Use the image below as an inspiration to print out a dialogue between two characters. (2000 Kahoot! points)

Did I do what was expected? I tend to go easier, since im still trying to remember how to do most of the string multiplacation.
print('!@#$'<'^*&>') print('zzz'>'aaa') print('kbf'<"tqr") print('trr'>'ggg') print('Guy:') print('Hello Mr Robot, hows your day?') print('Robot:') print('Hello, can I assist you?') print('uhh, no thanks *Disables robot*') print('*chuckles* Im in danger') print('FBI TEAM:') print('FBI OPEN UP')