Hey -- the homework was previously formatted wrong here (but not on the slides). Sorry about that!
Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/15pk3Pma_64ogttIfLwt8pv3Dqg2kr5vKQpiftlM-9T8/edit?usp=sharing
Code: https://replit.com/join/pyvaiysnho-shrav816
shravyassathish@gmail.comĀ (mentor)
mailtoarnavpandey@gmail.comĀ (TA)
Make sure to "Add a comment" with your code to the homework in order to submit your homework assignment!
Recordings for the class have been sent out through email :)
invatationnames = ['bessy', 'Aaron', 'kate','Avery','sam'] for a in invatationnames: if a.startswith("A"): a = ("yay" + a) print(a)