Hello everyone! Wanted to apologize for all of the technical difficulties that occurred today that caused some delays and halts during class. Here are the resources we went over, the recordings will be sent via email!
Giver 3 examples of each data type (2 for Boolean)
Create the variables name, grade, color, and another variable for something you like. Use f-strings/concatenation to print the following string but with your information.
Shravya is in 11th grade, and her favorite color is blue.
Shravya's favorite movie is Thor: Ragnarok.
Class slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1sEZUlUHfWHJThTd8MP667DqFoJxvlKXwJfRNZZHwkoA/edit?usp=sharing
Class code: https://replit.com/@arnavpandey722/IntroToPython-Wk1Day1?v=1
Contact info:
shravyassathish@gmail.comĀ (mentor)
mailtoarnavpandey@gmail.com (TA) Make sure to "Add a comment" with your code to the homework in order to submit your homework assignment!
a) int: integer
ex: 1, 2, 3
b) float: decimal
ex: 1.2, 0.75, 5.13
c) str: characters
ex: "name" "age" "week"
d) bool: boolean
ex: true, false
name = "Nilufar"
grade = 12
color = "pink"
movie = "The Intern"
print(f"{name} is in {grade} grade, and her favorite color is {color}.")
print(f"{name}'s favorite movie is {movie}.")