Finish adding all the bonus features to your Battleship game if you haven't already
Generate a 4-by-4 nested list with random integers from 1 to 16 inclusive, and print them in a grid format
Use the random module to generate random ships for your Battleship game. Look at the slides from class for more details.
Class slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1iMDChZz-abSDTKaH1ainjqJsDMvZeOb2BJ7Q1baeXFE/edit?
Battleship code: https://replit.com/join/hlutbjbnyh-shravyas
Example code: https://replit.com/join/butpfsjykv-shravyas
Coding platform: replit.com
Post your answers as a comment! I will post the solution before next class.
You can always email us at shravyassathish@gmail.com (mentor) or kingericwu@gmail.com (TA) or message us on Discord if you have any questions about the homework or what we covered in class.
list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]
import random
for i in range(0, 4):
for j in range(0, 4):
a = random.choice(list1)
print(str(a) + "\t", end="")
import random
ships = []
for i in range(3):
coordinate = []
for j in range(2):
coordinate.append(random.randint(0, 4))
shipsFound = []
guessList = []
grid = [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]
game = True
turns = 5
while game:
print("Turns left: " + str(turns))
guess = input("Make your guess (row column): ").split()
for i in range(len(guess)):
guess[i] = int(guess[i])
while guess in guessList or guess[0] > 4 or guess[1] > 4:
print("Invalid guess, try again.")
guess = input("Make your guess: ").split()
for i in range(len(guess)):
guess[i] = int(guess[i])
if guess in ships:
grid[guess[0]][guess[1]] = 1
grid[guess[0]][guess[1]] = "X"
for i in grid:
for j in i:
print(j, end=' ')
found = True
for i in ships:
if i not in shipsFound:
found = False
if found == True:
print("YOU WIN!")
game = False
turns -= 1
if turns <= 0:
print("GAME OVER!")
print(f'The ships were at {ships}.')
game = False