RESOURCES: Class slides:
Coding platform:
Give 3 examples of each data type (2 examples for Booleans).
Take user input and tell an interactive story using f-strings and concatenation of variables and print statements.
Example of a starting point:
username = input(“What is your name?”)
print(username + “, you know my name, not my story”)
Post your answers as a comment! Solutions will be posted later.
Feel free to email (mentor) or (TA) if you're stuck or have questions! See you next class :)
user_name = input("What is your name? ")
print("Hello there " + user_name+ ", welcome:)")
fruit = input("What is your favorite fruit? ")
print(f'I love {fruit} too!')
music = input("What type of music genre do you like the most? ")
print(f'Wow! It is cool that you love to listen to {music}. I love it too!')
print("I love to listen to alternative rock music while eating " + fruit)
print(user_name + ", we have so much in common!")