Evaluate this prefix expression: ^ / * 1 3 - 8 7 - * - 8 6 2 1
Evaluate this postfix expression: 1 1 9 5 - + - 0 0 + - 2 4 * 0 1 / + *
Convert this infix expression to prefix (do not solve or simplify it!):

Bit-String flicking:
Evaluate these expressions:
LCIRC-1(LSHIFT-2(10001 XOR 11011) AND RCIRC-4(LCIRC-3(10011 OR 00111)))
NOT(01101 XOR NOT(00110 AND NOT(00110 OR 00011)))
Solve for A in this expression: A OR 00110 = 10110
Are there multiple possible answers? How many are there?
Part 1:
/ - 1 * 4 3 - + ^ 6 2 * * 2 9 9 / 2 3
Part 2:
10000, 10010, 10100, 10110
1) 27
2) -32
3) / - 1 * 4 3 - + ^ 6 2 * * 2 9 9 / 2 3
Bit-string flicking (not sure if I did this right):
1) 00100
2) 01101
3) There are 4 different answers for A: 10000, 10100, 10010, 10110.